Coconut, commonly referred to as “Nariyal,” is considered a good luck charm for new beginnings and is packed with essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and vitamin C.

Coconut oil is particularly renowned for its numerous benefits for skin and hair. It effectively addresses issues such as dryness, itchiness, and scars, thanks to its rich vitamin E content and its antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, coconut oil promotes hair growth and helps combat dandruff due to its antifungal effects.

In Ayurveda, applying coconut oil to the skin aids in wound healing and managing conditions like scars, blemishes, eczema, and psoriasis due to its Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing) properties. Massaging the scalp with coconut oil not only encourages hair growth but also prevents dandruff, benefiting from its Keshya (promotes hair growth) and Snigdha qualities.

Drinking coconut water can assist in weight management by enhancing the body’s metabolism. It helps maintain electrolyte balance and prevents dehydration. Using virgin coconut oil for cooking may also help manage cholesterol levels by balancing good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol.

In Ayurveda, the use of coconut is categorized by its maturity:

  1. Tender Coconut: Acts as a Pitta dosha pacifier due to its Sita (cold) effect, containing nearly 90% water.
  2. Half-Mature Coconut: Contains less water than tender coconuts, making it lighter on the digestive system and featuring soft pulp.
  3. Fully Matured Coconut: This type becomes heavier to digest and can aggravate Pitta or Vata dosha. It has firm meat or pulp. Consuming large amounts of fully matured coconut may lead to hyperacidity.

Synonyms of Coconut

Cocos nucifera, Narikela, Khopra, Narkel, Coconut Palm, Naliar, Nariyel, Shriphal, Koprun, Gola, Khobbari, Tengnamara, Temgu, Thengu, Nalikeram, Ten, Keram, Naral, Narela, Garigola, Tenkai, Kopparai, Narikelamu, Tenkay, Kobbari, Narjil, Narial.


1. Hair Loss

Coconut oil is highly regarded for maintaining healthy hair and preventing hair loss, primarily by balancing aggravated Vata dosha in the body. Its Keshya (promotes hair growth) property also supports new hair growth.


  • Use 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil or as needed.
  • Gently massage it into your scalp at night.
  • Wash your hair in the morning with a herbal shampoo.
  • Repeat once or twice a week to help control hair loss.

2. Dandruff

In Ayurveda, dandruff is associated with an imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha, leading to dry flakes on the scalp. Coconut oil can help balance these doshas and eliminate dryness due to its Snigdha (oily) nature.


  • Take 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil or as needed.
  • Mix in a pinch of camphor powder and wait for it to dissolve.
  • Massage gently into your scalp at night.
  • Wash your hair in the morning with a herbal shampoo.
  • Repeat once or twice a week to manage dandruff.

3. Psoriasis

Coconut oil is effective for psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by dry, red, scaly patches. Its Snigdha (oily) and Ropan (healing) properties help reduce dryness and promote healing.


  • Use 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil or as needed.
  • Apply gently to the affected areas and leave it on overnight.
  • Repeat nightly to alleviate psoriasis symptoms.

4. Eczema

Eczema leads to rough, inflamed, and itchy skin. Applying coconut oil to the affected areas can help control itching and promote healing, thanks to its Ropan (healing) property.


  • Use 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil or as needed.
  • Apply gently to the affected areas and leave it on overnight.
  • Repeat nightly to reduce eczema symptoms.

5. Ulcers and Boils

Coconut oil aids in healing ulcers and boils due to its Ropan (healing) properties.


  • Use 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil or as needed.
  • Apply gently to the affected areas and leave it on overnight.
  • Repeat nightly for effective healing.

6. Glowing Skin

Regular application of coconut oil can help achieve glowing skin. Its Snigdha (oily) nature eliminates dryness and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it aids in skin regeneration due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties.


  • Take 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil.
  • Massage gently onto your skin before bed.
  • Use this remedy 2-3 times a week for smooth, glowing skin..

Here’s a streamlined overview of the benefits of coconut for various health concerns, focusing on high cholesterol, kidney stones, diabetes, and obesity:

Benefits of Coconut for High Cholesterol

Scientific View:
Coconut is beneficial for managing high cholesterol due to its rich phenol content and antioxidant properties found in virgin coconut oil and coconut water. These elements help reduce oxidative stress and lower cholesterol levels.

Ayurvedic View:
High cholesterol results from an imbalance in Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Poor digestion produces Ama (toxins) that contribute to cholesterol buildup and blockages in blood vessels. Incorporating coconut or coconut oil in your diet can enhance Agni and reduce Ama, aiding in the elimination of toxins.


  1. Use 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil daily.
  2. Incorporate it into your regular cooking.

Benefits of Coconut for Kidney Stones

Scientific View:
Coconut may assist in the removal of kidney stones due to its bioactive components.

Ayurvedic View:
Kidney stones can form due to poor digestion and the accumulation of Ama. Coconut and coconut oil can improve digestive fire and reduce Ama, helping to prevent stone formation.


  1. Take 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil daily.
  2. Use it in your regular cooking.

Benefits of Coconut for Diabetes

Scientific View:
Coconut kernel and water can help manage diabetes by reducing pancreatic damage and improving insulin secretion and glucose utilization.

Ayurvedic View:
Diabetes (Madhumeha) arises from aggravated Vata and impaired digestion, leading to Ama buildup in pancreatic cells. Coconut water can enhance digestion, reduce Ama, and improve insulin function, helping control blood sugar levels.


  1. Drink 1/2 cup of coconut water, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefits of Coconut for Obesity

Scientific View:
Coconut may help manage obesity by boosting metabolic rates. Coconut oil can reduce tissue cholesterol and fat buildup.

Ayurvedic View:
Obesity is often linked to poor dietary habits and weak digestive fire, leading to Ama accumulation. Incorporating coconut or coconut oil can improve Agni and reduce Ama, thus aiding weight management.


  1. Use 2-3 teaspoons of coconut oil daily.
  2. Include it in your routine cooking.

Effectiveness of Coconut

Coconut, through its various forms (water, oil, meat), offers multiple health benefits due to its rich nutrient profile and properties recognized in both modern science and Ayurveda. Regular incorporation into your diet can support digestive health, manage cholesterol levels, assist in weight management, and help with diabetes control.

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